All Items for "HONORS ENGLISH 10"

Please purchase all texts in hard-copy form (no e-texts).

Item Title Marketplace Publisher/Distributor Amazon Apple Store VitalSource

The Elements of Style-Strunk & White


Must be newest edition.

--- --- Amazon --- ---

Three Theban Plays (Fagles)


Must be Robert Fagles translation

Marketplace --- Amazon --- ---

Twelfth Night-William Shakespeare (Folger Edition) (new - clean copy)


Must be Folger Edition. This is used to teach annotation. Student must purchase a NEW (not used) copy.

--- --- Amazon --- ---

Wuthering Heights Norton Edition (new - clean copy)


Must be Norton Edition. This is used to teach annotation. Student must purchase a NEW (not used) copy.

--- --- Amazon --- ---

Nervous Conditions-Tsitsi Dangarembga


Marketplace --- Amazon --- ---

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